may want to consider hiring an additional staff person,
or an Internet Business Consultant to handle the job.
There are five main areas of site maintenance you should
be concerned about:
Content needs to be alive, current and accurate.
With fresh information people will have a reason to return
to the site time and time again. Old articles, comments
and other information should be archived.
Technology changes extremely quickly. A site begins
to look and act old without updating. Also, links can
go bad and components of the site can malfunction.
Site Documentation is a large part of site maintenance,
and very easily overlooked. Documentation gives something
to consult when your developer's not available. It can
also serve as a reference guide for planning changes,
additions, and updates. Included should be the company's
web site goals, target audience, samples, resources, and
general information. It should also include design notes,
samples and layout specifications.
Search Engine Ranking needs to be done regularly.
Other sites will push your site out of rank, so resubmitting
the site to search engines is a necessity - preferably
Site Changes & Additions will be made throughout the
course of the site's existence. Remember to keep up-to-date
backups; they're cheap insurance in the event of the unthinkable.
let your web presence become stale. Web surfers expect
design and content changes to their favorite sites. Give
your visitors plenty of reasons to come back to your site,
and they will.
SkyVault Web Design provides marketing consulting,
web development, and Internet business services to small
and medium sized businesses. They have been developing
income-producing online properties since 1998. Contact
the development team at:
Free Report Reveals Secrets of Their Successful Marketing
3 types of e-business sites
Designer's Edge page conversion
Exactly is Site Maintenance?

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