Your SkyVault™ site includes:

Graphic design
- XHTML and CSS development
- Premium Hosting
- Domain name registration with annual renewal
- Search engine optimization
- Automated site-blogging
- Submission to search engines automatically via XML
- Google sitemap submitted to all major engines
- Ranking reports for your keywords at all major engines
- Ranking reports for directories
- Pay-per-click research and bidding programs
- Click-in and Click-through Analysis
- Your e-newsletter, including SpamCheck & OpenRate
- Automated email capture forms with sequential autoresponder
- Automated link checker and repair
- Full email service with spam and virus protection
- Automated Social Media Marketing
your SkyVault™ site comes together:
Consultation - The planning phase is the key to your
project coming in on time, on budget, and with a minimum
of revision cycles. We'll work together to plan and organize
your project, anticipating challenges and suggesting options
you may not have yet considered.
process also includes identifying the marketing, sales,
and customer support objectives of your site. We help
you storyboard the concept, evaluate technical requirements,
plan the functionality and infrastructure, and diagram
the site's basic navigational schematic.
Project Proposal - To insure mutual understanding
of the development plan and project goals, the results
of the consultation phase are collected into a concise
proposal which describes the plan of implementation and
the rationale for the decisions involved. Upon sign-off
and initial deposit, work begins immediately.
Domain name - We check to make sure the domain name
you want is in fact available, and then reserve it in
your name, on your behalf.
Graphics - SkyVault's staff is well trained in the
art of making you look their best online. We can use client-supplied
images, or our photographers and graphic artists can create
them for you. State of the art scanning equipment and
graphics software, color correction, compression, slicing,
and optimization ensure your site will load quickly and
look its best on the World Wide Web.
Design - We combine our design expertise with your
ideas and business objectives to create several test designs,
each with different visual approaches. Using your input,
we progressively refine the concept by incorporating the
best features of each test. We make sure that your site
creates a great first impression, provides an intuitive
environment for your users, and encourages repeat visits.
Production - Upon receiving final comp signoff and
second deposit, designs are converted into code for the
Web. This is where the real magic happens. Production,
or front-end programming, creates a smooth transition
from design to engineering. (Skimp here, and it'll cost
you a lot more later on when you want to make changes.)
A "wireframe" structure is built, allowing for
flexibility, expansion, and unexpected feature additions.
It takes skill and experience to anticipate potential
problem areas and prepare for them - and SkyVault has
both. Layout is implemented, site elements are integrated,
and navigation installed. HTML, XHTML, DHTML, CSS, and
JavaScript help bring the vision to life.
Engineering - Also called back-end programming,
this stage refers to the implementation of server-side
programming, database creation and integration, and user
interactivity features such as e-commerce payment systems
and shopping carts. Our network of wizards can work with
Java, ASP, JSP, PHP, XML, or whatever your site needs
to accomplish your goals.
Progress Tracking - The SkyVault Group makes the development
process visible in real-time for our clients. Our password-protected
extranet allows for better communication, efficiency,
and cooperative effort during the project. A working demo
is created to demonstrate your site's features, and to
ensure that the emerging product is both effective and
on target.
QA - Testing occurs throughout the development process,
but now a formal quality assurance phase begins as the
project nears completion. The SkyVault team verifies the
functionality of all "active" elements and custom code,
as well as the overall appearance of the site. Database
integration is verified, and the site is reviewed for
cross-browser and cross-platform performance.
Launch - Depending on the deployment plan, SkyVault
will initiate Internet infomercials, search engine seeding, banner advertising, and other methods of bringing your new site to the attention
of the marketplace. If the site is to be hosted on a server
other than SkyVault's, it is relocated from our development
servers to its final production home. Final testing is
done to ensure a successful installation.
Promotion and Maintenance - Building a great site
is only the first half of the project. Promotion and ongoing improvements
(maintenance) are what turn your site into an income-generating
machine. SkyVault can help you create a spiral
marketing strategy, where online and offline marketing
tactics are coordinated to produce an upward momentum
of traffic to your site. We also provide you with a comprehensive
set of tools, links, and information you can use yourself!
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3 types of e-business sites
exactly is site maintenance?

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