A. The
term "innate intelligence" is at the core of a true understanding
of what chiropractic philosophy is all about. Innate intelligence is
that part of universal intelligence that is within us all. Before we
go further, let me define these terms. Universal intelligence is just
as it implies: it is the intelligence that runs the universe. It is
what makes the earth turn, the sun always rise in the east, the rain
fall, gravity work, etc. Universal intelligence may also be known as
Mother Nature, God, or by similar names. Innate intelligence is the
intelligence that runs the body. It is what makes your liver, kidneys,
heart, etc., function without you thinking about it. For instance, can
you tell what function your liver is performing right now? No, you can't,
but your innate intelligence is controlling all the functions clear
down to the metabolism of the individual cells.
bring innate intelligence into focus -- it is the intelligence that
started us all from two cells, then controlled the growth until we became
the approximately four trillion cells we are today. Remember that, as
the embryo grows, the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord)
are the first to develop. From the central nervous system, the branches
of the nervous system grow (the peripheral nervous system). Then, from
the peripheral nervous system, the organs develop and grow. At each
stage of growth, innate intelligence controls all functions. Once the
person is born and continues to grow, innate intelligence maintains
such things as normal functions, cell reproduction, repair and immune
response. For instance, have you ever wondered why if you shave the
hair on your arm it only grows back to normal length, while the hair
on your head keeps growing? Or why, if you cut your arm, the body will
heal itself, stop the bleeding, lay down scar tissue, etc.? Innate intelligence
does all of this. To sum it up, the power or intelligence that made
the body can maintain and heal the body as long as it is not interfered
how does all this apply to chiropractic philosophy? The major purpose
of chiropractic is to remove nerve interference (interference with innate
intelligence) in the form of subluxation. The subluxation is vertebral
misalignment with resulting pressures on the nervous system. This is
what chiropractors are trained to find and fix.
go into a thorough discussion of innate intelligence and its relationship
to chiropractic philosophy would fill a book. The main point to understand
here is that the body has far more intelligence than any doctor. We
have yet to gain a complete understanding of how the nervous system
works, but we do know that it works much better without interference.
The job of the chiropractor is to remove the interference. The job of
any doctor should be to raise the patient's natural or innate healing
ability to its highest efficiency.
you would like more information on this, please contact me at my clinic.
