is a steroid hormone. It is made from cholesterol by the adrenal glands,
which sit atop each kidney. At about the age of 6 it begins to be produced.
Production peaks in the mid-20's. From about the age of 30 on there
is a steady decline in DHEA production.
By the time we're 75, the average person has only 20 percent the level
they had 50 years before.
primary role is a precursor for all other steroid hormones in the human
body. It has therefore been referred to as the "mother" of
all hormones. Because DHEA levels tend to decline with aging, it has
been postulated that raising DHEA through supplementation may offer
protection against the effects of aging.
a number of studies have shown that declining levels of DHEA are linked
to diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol levels, heart disease, arthritis,
and some autoimmune diseases. It also shows promise in enhancing memory
and prolonging our life span.
with all the positive benefits that DHEA seems to promise,
and the fact that it is widely available over the counter without
prescription, what, if anything, are the risks involved with
taking it?
the answer to this I turned to my colleague, Dr. James Williams. He
is a licensed acupuncturist and an oriental medicine doctor. He is one
of the most educated and knowledgeable people I have ever met in the
field. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of many areas
related to hormone imbalances. They include problems with PMS, menopause,
infertility, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia,
to name a few.
Williams is very concerned with people who self-diagnose their problem
and take a dosage of DHEA without knowing what their own level already
is. He stresses that it is very important to have either a blood or
saliva test done to determine what your current level of DHEA is. Once
that is determined, it is important that you follow the recommended
dosage from an expert like Dr. Williams.
is not recommended above 25mg for males or 10mg for females at any time
without a doctor's supervision. This is very important for anyone with
high blood pressure, pregnant or nursing women, anyone taking stimulants,
or anyone on thyroid medication.
side effects may include unwanted hair growth in women, acne, mood changes,
insomnia and fatigue.
conclusion, if any of you are taking DHEA or considering taking it,
please first find out what your current level is and what you may or
may not need. Also, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact
an expert. When you're dealing with your health, you should always seek
an expert's advice.
