A. In
order to understand how chiropractic can help a certain condition, it
is important to get a better understanding of how the body works. We
know that the body's information and communication system is primarily
the nervous system.
It is along the nervous system that the body sends messages to every
cell in the body in regards to normal function, metabolism, reproduction,
etc. The body has an intelligence that is far beyond any doctors' understanding
at this point. In chiropractic, we call this intelligence "innate
is your innate intelligence which controls your body's normal functions:
your heart rate, liver function, etc. It is also your innate intelligence
that developed you from two cells to the over four-trillion cells you
are today.
As an example of how far we are from understanding the intelligence
of the body, you could take the greatest minds in science and give them
the most advanced lab in the world and they could not make one red blood
cell. However, your body will make thousands of them today and it can
make them out of a tuna sandwich. This might seem like an unusual
example, yet this is how far we are from understanding the body.
Unfortunately, much of the practice of so-called "healing"
today does not have much to do with healing at all. It is mostly emergency
first aid such as setting broken bones, stitching up cuts, removing
tumors, etc. There is also the taking of drugs to kill germs, numb pain
or change the body's
chemistry in one way or another. In most cases this is not true healing;
it is healing symptoms. It is not addressing the cause of the problem.
removing the tumor change the body that produced it in the first place?
Does taking antibiotics raise the resistance or immune system of the
person who is sick? Does taking blood pressure medicine change the malfunction
that led to high blood pressure? How many people every day are taken
to the hospital, get worse or even die because of a bad reaction to
a drug they have taken? Chiropractic philosophy is based on the fact
that the innate intelligence that created the body has far
more knowledge than any doctor. This wisdom of the body can and does
work wonders if it is not interfered with.
is a condition known as vertebral subluxation. The subluxation will
interfere with normal nerve function, which results in decreased ability
for the brain to communicate properly with the body, which could eventually
result in some sort of condition or symptom. When we suffer from
disease, our natural healing ability is lessened, our resistance is
lowered and we will get sick.
answering your question - chiropractors do not heal anything. Your body
is the healer! The chiropractors' job is to reduce the interference
that is caused by the subluxation. This is done by adjusting the spine
to return normal function to the nervous system. You cannot be truly
healthy, reach your full potential or achieve your greatest healing
ability if you have pressure on your nervous system.
are, of course, a number of these factors that influence your healing
ability: diet, exercise, stress, age, etc. However, if you have a condition
or symptom that has not responded to traditional or other forms of treatment,
remember that you haven't "tried everything to get better"
until you have tried chiropractic. Keep in mind, the job of any doctor
should be to raise the patients' natural or innate healing ability to
highest efficiency.
