store contains:
Videos Available:
The following videos
are provided by Dr. Richman as a way of reaching and helping many
more people than could be seen personally at his clinic. This is
your opportunity to take advantage of his unique combination of
knowledge, expertise, and healing skills. Videos are priced at $US25
each, and 2-part sets are $US30 each (shipping included).
The ideas, procedures, suggestions and products contained in this
storefront are not intended to replace services of a trained health
professional. We recommend all matters regarding your health have
medical supervision. It may be helpful to consult your physician
before adopting these experimental, research orientated procedures
and/or products. Any applications chosen as a result of the set
forth ideas, procedures, suggestions and/or products are at the
reader’s discretion and therefore, we do not accept any responsibility
for any and all, even though possible, temporary reactions that
most commonly are due to a cleansing response.