Setting up a Work at Home Office
by Lance T. Walker
If you want to boost your productivity levels when working from home, it helps to set up an office. Having an area purely dedicated to working will help you to separate work from leisure.

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The question is, how can you set up an effective home office environment? Here, you’ll discover some of the best ways to set up a work at home office and the key things to consider.
Consider how long you plan to be working from home
The first thing you need to think about is how long you’ll be working from home. If it’s only a very short period of time, it would be pointless investing in an entire home office set up. In this situation, it would be better to invest in just the essentials.
However, if you have the budget it could be worth setting up a permanent home office. That way, you’ll always have somewhere set up to work at home if needed.
Making sure you have the right equipment
You’re going to need some level of equipment to work from home. At the very least, you’re going to need a laptop or desktop computer and a desk.
If you aren’t setting up a permanent home office, you can use things such as the dining room table or a makeshift bedroom office. Some people are even getting creative and using an ironing board as a stand-up desk option.
Other things you’re going to need include a good internet connection, surge protector, online security, and possibly a headset and battery backup.

Ensure the space has plenty of natural sunlight
When you’re stuck indoors, you won’t be getting as much natural sunlight as you usually would. This can have an impact on how productive and motivated you are. Numerous studies have revealed the damaging impact limited natural daylight can have on workers in an office setting, and the same applies at home.
So make sure you’re going to be working in a part of the home which benefits from a lot of daylight. If there isn’t a space available, you might want to consider investing in a daylight bulb. These are designed to replicate natural daylight.
Of course, frequent breaks in a well lit area help tremendously too. If you find yourself craving the sunshine, working at home means now you can go enjoy it more!
Focus on comfort
Your home office should be a comfortable place you can work too. This means, providing plenty of support for your back if you’re working at a desk, for example.
If you aren’t comfortable, you’re not going to get much work completed. You’ll also find it beneficial to surround yourself with things that make you happiest, such as photos of the family and plants or flowers.

These are some of the basics you should consider when setting up an home office. Whether you’re setting up a permanent or temporary office space, you need to ensure it has everything you need and that it’s quiet and comfortable to work in.
The "I'm Working at Home, Now What?" Series: Everyone is trying to earn money, parent their children, provide engaging activities, cook most meals, keep their home as safe as possible, and still not lose their mind during the Covid-19 pandemic. Click here for more guidance on managing the new work-from-home realities.
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