How to Be Productive Working from Home
by Lance T. Walker
As convenient and beneficial as working from home can be, it can also prove to be damaging to your productivity.

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The difficulty can be hard to avoid because up until now, you’ve associated your home as a space for relaxing. So, it can be difficult switching to a working mindset when you’re in the comfort of your home.
The good news is, there are ways to boost your productivity when remote working. Here, you’ll discover some of the best ways to stay productive when working at home.
Try to set up a separate workspace area
Putting a desk and computer in your bedroom can be detrimental to both your work and your sleep habits. On the other hand, trying to work from the kitchen or living room can be next to impossible with kids around.
The best solution is a spare bedroom office, if you're lucky enough to have one. But whatever solution you choose, be aware that you're going to need to balance the convenience of working from home with the distractions that come from working at home.
De-clutter your workspace
You’re going to find it hard to concentrate and stay productive if your workspace is cluttered or dirty. So, before you start, take time to clean up the area you’re planning on working in.
Get rid of any clutter and organize the space. Do a full vaccuum, dusting, and even clean the windows. The cleaner and tidier the space is, the less you'll find yourself distracted and the easier you’ll find it to focus on your work.
Take breaks to get out in the yard
Suddenly being cooped up in the house all day can make you feel like you're imprisoned, and that's not good for your productivity. It can cause issues with low mood and leave you feeling like you're a kid that's trapped in a classroom on a sunny spring day. Remember that feeling?

By taking regular breaks and making time to get out into the yard, you can refresh yourself and get more motivated to get through your workload. Spending 10-15 minutes walking, gardening or reading a book outdoors can really renew your mind and energy. Just remember to come back to work!
Always prepare for the day ahead
When you leave the house to go to work, you know there are things you need to do to get ready for the day. You have a routine which prepares you for work. However, when you start working from home you don’t really have that push behind you.
Rather than thinking you can now work in your pajamas all day, make the effort to get dressed. Create a morning routine which sets you up for work. It takes a bit of self motivation, but you’ll find it much easier to stay productive because your mindset is geared towards work.

Utilize the power of nature
Did you know that plants and flowers can help you to feel more motivated? Adding them into your workspace can help to brighten up the working environment. Numerous studies have shown how effective greenery can be within an office environment. So, if you want an easy way to stay productive, add a few houseplants and flowers to your home office.
You can also utilize the power of scent. In some countries, workplace managers spray citrus scents to boost employee mood and productivity. Try experimenting with different scents, oils, or flowers to see which ones inspire you to work more efficiently.
Staying productive when working at home isn’t easy, but it is doable. The above are some of the best methods you can try to increase those productivity levels. And remember, taking regular breaks away from your computer is important also - not just for productivity, but for your health too.
The "I'm Working at Home, Now What?" Series: Everyone is trying to earn money, parent their children, provide engaging activities, cook most meals, keep their home as safe as possible, and still not lose their mind during the Covid-19 pandemic. Click here for more guidance on managing the new work-from-home realities.
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