Dealing with Distractions
by Lance T. Walker
One thing's for sure - if you’re going to be successful working from home, you're going to have to master the art of minimizing distractions.

How to Develop Laser Focus and Achieve Success
There are a lot of "very important" and entertaining distractions you'll contend with such as household chores, phone calls, the TV, social media, the pets and the kids. So, how exactly can you deal with these realities to ensure you can work more efficiently?
Below, you’ll discover a few helpful tips to help you deal with the inevitable distractions that occur when you're working from home.
1. Use the distractions as a reward
Distractions don’t have to be a bad thing. They can be used to reward yourself after completing work tasks.
For example, if you love nothing more than to curl up in front of the TV watching your favorite shows, record them... then allow yourself the opportunity to watch something after completing a project.
Similarly, you could use social media in the same way. Once you’ve completed a task off your to-do list, reward yourself with a short period of time on your social media channels.
You could even fit in a personal call or two - provided you commit to getting off the phone after a pre-determined number of minutes. Remind them you're at work, just as if you were at the office!
Using distractions as a reward can help to keep you focused and boost your motivation to get your work done.

2. Consider working in various parts of
the home
It’s common to set aside just one place to work from. However, did you know you may find it more productive to work in various areas of the home?
It’s all about adding variety into your new working environment. Some days, the spare room may be the best place to get work done. Other times, you may find it more beneficial to work on the dining room table or in the back yard.
Don’t limit yourself to where you can work, mix it up and see if your productivity levels rise.
3. Add a little background music
This tip might not be useful to everyone, but many professionals claim working with background music on can limit their distractions (I'm one of those). You’ll want to focus on calming music, rather that something that makes you want to dance or sing along.
Alternatively, listening to podcasts and audiobooks in the background can also work well. So, if you struggle with productivity, try adding a little background noise and see if that helps.

4. Resolve to check emails sparingly
Checking emails is important when you work from home. However, it can also take up a lot of unexpected time. So, you’ll want to limit how many times you check them during the day - and for how long.
Ideally, you’ll want to check them first thing in a morning, then after you’ve completed each task you’re working on. That way you control the activity, instead of it being a sudden interruption in your flow.
5. Turn off notifications
Finally, a great tip is to take a deep breath and turn off those notifications. Social media, news and app notifications can all prove really distracting when you’re working from home.
So, turn them off until after work to boost productivity and get your day back.
It’s not always easy limiting distractions when you work from home. However, these are some effective tips you can follow to deal with the many distractions that may crop up during your workday.
The "I'm Working at Home, Now What?" Series: Everyone is trying to earn money, parent their children, provide engaging activities, cook most meals, keep their home as safe as possible, and still not lose their mind during the Covid-19 pandemic. Click here for more guidance on managing the new work-from-home realities.
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