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Search Engines, Directories, and Submission Services

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We don't believe in obsessing over the search engine positioning game - especially since that game has become increasingly unfair. Those with big budgets buy their way to the top, while everyone else must take their chances with an ever-changing rule book.

That said, there is no getting around the fact that if you want traffic to come to your site, you have to get the word out. And that starts with getting listed in as many search engines and directories as possible. Below is a list of the best we've found.

Mail to Millions Without Spamming! - Driving traffic to your site is the name of the game. Send your email to over 3 million people a day using our servers. The most powerful collection of web marketing resources available anywhere online.

Submit Your Site To The Web's Top 50 Search Engines for Free! FreeWebSubmission.com - Submit Your Site To The Web's Top 50 Search Engines for Free.
ExactSEEK. Search the Web.
buildtraffic.net buildtraffic.net - Ever wonder how some people get TOP RANKINGS in search engines? Now you can have access to the same tools as search engine experts.
The Ultimate Edge Place your Advertisement on over One Million Web Sites Every Month!
im4newbies.com - Internet Marketing Newbies start here.
AddMe.com, free web site submission and promotion to the search engines AddMe.com - free web site submission and promotion to the search engines.
Infotiger: The Web Search Engine.
Link Master: Link Master Directory - Real Estate.
Cipinet Search Engine Cipinet Search Engine.
Gigablast: Search the Web.
SearchHippo: Web Search.
SubmitFree: Submit to 25+ Search Engines for free !!!! SubmitFree: Submit to 25+ Search Engines for free.
Click411: Directory of white pages, yellow pages, Canadian directories and international white pages.
Open Directory Project at dmoz.org Open Directory Project at dmoz.org.
DogPile: Good dog. Great results.
AddPro - Site Submission and Promotion - Submit your URL to more than 120 of the most popular search engines on the web. You can also create meta tags for your site.
Hits2u.com: Display Your Text Ad on 22,644 Web Sites for FREE.
Revenge of the Mininet Work half days and earn more money in a single day, than most average Americans can in a week. Some basic search engine optimization knowledge, a couple of affiliate programs and a simple - but little known - linking strategy are all you need.
Yellow Pages
Webmaster Yellow Pages Webmaster Resources



Google Altavista, Teoma, MSN, Lycos, AOL, HotBot, Excite, Dmoz, Netscape, NorthernLight, AllTheWeb, Overture, 7Search, Mamma, SearchCactus, About, AskJeeves, IWon, Looksmart, WebCrawler, Alexa, EarthLink, BestOfTheWeb, GoClick, FindWhat, Sprinks, ah-ha, Kanoodle, Pageseeker, Xuppa, Business, C-Net, Freeserve, Searchalot, Webfile, Profusion, ATT, WiseNut, ixquick, ePilot, ZippyFinder, Aeiwi, TryAmerica, Gigablast, JaydeOnline, Aesop, 2kCity, ExactSeek, SurfGopher, InfoTiger, NationalDirectory, ScrubTheWeb, SearchIt, SplatSearch, TrueSearch, WhatYouSeek, Walhello, High Index, DogPile PayPerClick

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. We take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of any third-party sites.


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