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The SkyVault™ Update:
Virginia Real Estate Investor Group Edition
05/27/03 - Hampton Roads, VA

Please pass this information along to your
associates and friends.

This issue:
1. Next Meeting Reminder
2. Million-Dollar Listing
3. New VREIA Resources
4. Economic Outlook for Hampton Roads


Hello Everyone,

Hope your Memorial Day holiday was great - now
let's get busy! The real estate buying season is
here - bigger and better than ever before. Hampton
Roads is a great place to be in the real estate
business. Even those of you who live in other states
will find this a great place to invest. The SkyVault/
VREIA family has been very busy expanding our
capabilities and building out our online presence to
assist you.

1. Next Meeting -
The May VREIA meeting will happen on Wednesday,
the 28th at the Hampton Library on the corner of
Victoria Blvd. and Kecoughtan Road, 6:30pm sharp.
Come meet the new people, and catch up on the new
opportunities available to you. This month's theme is:
"Get Your Share"!

See for details and driving directions.

2. Million-Dollar Listing -
Interested in living large - really large? Gavin Embry in
London, England has a gorgeous $1.12 million dollar
property he'd like to make a deal with you on. He's
open to various scenarios, including a swap for some
property in southern California. Gavin knows the power
of marketing, and asked VREIA to help him get the word
out. Check out
for details!

3. New VREIA Resources -

  • Lance T. Walker, SkyVault Group Regional Director, is
    now a licensed Virginia Realtor! He has joined the EZ-Vest
    Realty, Inc., team in Newport News. EZ-Vest specializes
    in helping investors generate both cash flow and long-term
    profitability through buying and selling real estate. Nice
    work, Lance!

  • Denise Hall has also joined the SkyVault Group as our new
    Business Development Manager! Denise brings over fifteen
    years of computer, sales, and customer service expertise to
    the team. She'll be handling advertising and buyer screening
    for your properties. Come out and meet her at this
    Wednesday's meeting. Welcome aboard, Denise!

  • Finally this month, we have also added two local financing
    sources for your benefit. Need a buyer pre-qualified quickly?
    Need a nonconventional loan approved? We now have direct
    contacts at Wells Fargo Bank and Old Point National Bank
    standing by to meet your needs.

Thanks to these developments, you will soon be able to
locate thousands of properties for sale throughout Hampton
Roads directly from as well as our main
web site, . You'll be able to list your
properties for sale on the MLS, where hundreds of agents will
be able to help you sell quickly. And our proven multi-media
marketing will continue to bring hundreds of qualified prospective
buyers' attention to your properties, with financing that is
simpler and easier than ever.

We look forward to providing many tools and opportunities to
our members that were unavailable to you before. It's great to
have such quality people on board, that truly understand our
needs as real estate investors. More details at Wednesday's
meeting - see you there!

4. Economic outlook for Hampton Roads -
According to a recent Old Dominion University study, the
Hampton Roads area recently experienced a mini-boom in
spite of the 9-11 crisis. In fact, this year's Gross Regional
Product is expected to be larger than that of 2002, exceeding
the nation’s growth rate for the third year in a row.

Although long term interest rates are expected to rise, the
housing market is expected to remain strong, due mainly to
greatly increased military income in the area. the 2003
increase in both uniformed military compensation and defense
procurement will provide a strong impetus to regional growth -
over $250 million in military pay raises alone.

More Information:

Are you serious about getting YOUR share? If so, it's time to get
connected, and get busy! We'll see you Wednesday!

Grace A. Cheeseman, President
Virginia Real Estate Investors Association
5007-C Victory Blvd., # 118
Yorktown, VA 23693
Phone: 757-988-3119
Fax: 425-699-4836

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