SkyVault Update:
for Creating a Wealth-Based Retirement
information, and technology for wealth builders.
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2. Been
to lately?
Taught Us Everything in School... Except What We Really Needed
to Know"
4. The Secret Behind "The Secret"
5. Ebook
of the Month: The Silent Profit Machine
to lately?
you haven't, you should visit us again. We've grown (a lot), and
I think you'll like what you find.
I need you to help me solve a problem - and I'll reward you for
doing so.
Taught Us Everything in School... Except What We Really Needed
to Know."
observation. Now it's time to start doing something about it.
day, more and more working adults are facing up to the reality
that hard work and job loyalty are simply not going to get them
where they want to go.
are waking up to the truth that all their education and sacrifice
will not protect them from the ravages of foreclosure,
unemployment, even bankruptcy;
that in fact, the very idea of retirement is
a concept that may never actually happen.
are facing up to the harsh fact that they have been lied to
- for their entire lives!
the cause is automation, outsourcing, union busting, free trade,
or globalization, the fact is the American middle class is being
systematically eliminated in favor of a two-tiered
"have and have-nots" system, reminiscent of the pre-WWII
the current corporate environment, wages are shrinking. Pensions
are disappearing. Workplace benefits are being offered less
and less. The paycheck is once again becoming the sole reward
for a day's work, while more and more top executives hoard record
company profits to themselves.
no longer seek to know their neighbors, or build real-world
communities; they simply move to where the next job is and connect
loosely through online social networking sites. We are literally
becoming a nation of nomads.
not hard to convince people they need "multiple streams
of income" in order to prosper. However, if that means
stringing together a series of part-time jobs, hiring day care,
and putting everyone in the family to work, most people will
still opt to just get by as best they can. After all, there
has to be more to life than just chasing the next dollar.
creates a predictable situation. As the market value of labor
is steadily eroded and the social safety net is dismantled,
people will either become upwardly mobile and join the rich,
or they will become downwardly mobile and join the poor. In
other words, there will be economic winners and losers.
tells us that those who lose the will, strength, or opportunity
to run the hamster wheel will begin to fall off in greater and
greater numbers. Some will protest, some will rebel, some will
give in to mental illness and despair. But most will simply
suffer their entire lives in quiet desperation.
with the right knowledge, connections, and ability, will become
wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.
now, during this time of transition, each of us has been given
the choice to be among the winners or the losers. We can
pay the price for success, or we will pay the
price for failure. This much is undeniable reality.
are, your willingness to deal with the truth in a proactive
manner is what led you to this site. And I consider it my personal
mission to share the real truth with you -
a truth that I have been researching for more than 20 years,
in preparation for this moment.
bottom line is, we all want to live richly. We want to build
a wealth-based retirement. And we want quality memories that
we and our families can cherish. That's the real American Dream,
plain and simple.
here to tell that the game isn't over, that you can
still win. You can still have the kind of retirement
most people only dream just need to count on yourself,
not Uncle Sam or your current employer, to get you there.
knew this information was out there somewhere... Congratulations
- you've found it. Now let's get busy fixing the problem.
T. Walker, IBC
Managing Director
SkyVault Multimedia Publishing
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Secret Behind "The Secret"
been a lot of talk lately about a book called "The Secret".
It seems to be everywhere - complete with audio versions, video
versions, and even seminars.
did you know that "The Secret" is actually based on
a book written in 1910, by a man named Wallace D. Wattles? It's
true. Way back then, though, the book went by a much less mysterious
title: "The Science of Getting Rich". Almost sounds
kind of boring, until you stop to think about it.
Wallace was saying is that the process of becoming wealthy is
actually a science. You do this, you get that.
Take an action this way, you get that result. No mystery. No luck
are certain steps that, once performed, absolutely guarantee
that you will become rich.
then he proceeded to map out exactly what those steps are...
you know what? It turns out, not everybody wants to be rich. Some
people are actually terrified of the idea. Having money requires
managing it, and making decisions about what to do with it. Being
financially wealthy
brings a lot of power, and with it great responsibility.
why the Paris Hiltons of the world become such spectacles; they
don't seem to comprehend the responsibility that their wealth
conveys. They yearn to live simply and openly, like the poor people
seem to do.
if you decide that climbing part way up the mountain is fine with
you, I understand. If keeping your bills paid and having a little
left over for the movies is all you desire, then I say more power
to you.
if you're the type of person who yearns for more, who wants to
make a difference in the wider scheme of things, then I invite
you to discover "The Science of Getting Rich" - absolutely
free of charge. You can get yours here:
of the Month: The Silent Profit Machine
if you could earn $2475 for every 100 people you gave a free report
to? What if there was
no investment, no website needed, and it produced long term residual
income? How many would
you give away?
here for a brilliant concept you won't find anywhere else on the
SkyVault Multimedia Publishing
San Diego, CA
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