Deskside Assistance -
Expert Computer and Software
Training for Busy Professionals
Business owners, executives,
and office pros: personalized
program means
now you can
your computer capabilities
new heights!
Software tips
and tricks. Inside
secrets. Valuable time-savers,
powerful money
You know
they're out there. Maybe your competition knows
them - and is using them to outperform you.
Or maybe they
don't ... and you have a chance to gain a competitive edge. Either
way, you've invested
heavily in your software - shouldn't you be getting the most out
of it?
We know how
hard it is to leave your place of business to go to a class. The
traffic, the parking,
the uncertainty over whether you've chosen the
right course level, the lost time…
Deskside Assistance™:
the perfect solution!

Save time, save money,
and watch your productivity skyrocket.
Assistance is certified, professional instructors,
providing top quality computer software
training for you, the busy professional - in your office,
where you're comfortable, answering your questions, on the equipment you use every day.
Makes sense, doesn't it?
Introductory Offer:
a limited time, if you live or work in the Hampton Roads Area of Virginia,
you can receive the benefits of our customized "executive"
Microsoft Office on-site training program for only $250
$150/person for a full 4-hour session (limited to 2 people
per session, ideally yourself and your executive assistant).
Learn what great
new capabilities that last upgrade brought you. Get those questions
answered that have been nagging you for weeks, months, maybe even years!
Find out exactly what you want to know about any MS
Office application you want to
get more proficient in. No embarrassment. No rush. And no traffic.
Don't wait.
Slots are limited, and time is infinitely more valuable than money.
Start saving time, gaining confidence, and getting more done.
us at (757) 561-9612, or email us today for your appointment.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
others have said:
appropriate for my business needs…very knowledgeable, professional,
friendly instructor."
- C.
Roush, USMC
"I will
recommend this fantastic class to others…the time was very
- K.
Snow, US Airways
class helps you to help yourself… Grace was extremely knowledgeable
and personable."
- B.
Lytle, US Attorney's Office
appropriate - clear, relevant knowledge that's useful every
it was good to
finally get my questions answered."
- D.
Silva, KYXY Radio
easy to follow…I felt relaxed, not pressured. We covered the
topics I used most -
I liked that!"
B. Spaziano, Dow Stereo/Video
material! Great instructor! Wonderful, talented,
and friendly!"
K. Ledgard, Dearborn Financial
of our satisfied clients:
Barnes and Noble
City & County of San Francisco
ConAm Management
Cox Communications
Dataworks Corp.
Dearborn Financial
DOW Stereo and Video
Hansen Real Estate Services
Philip's Semiconductor
Qualcomm Inc.
Social Security Administration
Sony Electronics Inc.
Time-Warner Communications
UCSD Healthcare
United States Air Force
United States Marine Corps
United States Naval Reserve
US Airways
US Attorney's Office
about you?
Expert Computer and Software Training for Busy Professionals.

MOUS Expert Level Certified |