Centurion Seminars and Speakers Bureau is the training, public speaking, and live event provider for the SkyVault™ Group.
Our list of services includes:
Executive leadership coaching for entrepreneurs,
Internet marketing consulting for small businesses,
Motivational presentations for organizations,
Transitional workshops for military veterans and career changers,
Career planning workshops for students, and
Sales and communication skills training for individuals.
Upcoming Seminars/Workshops:
Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
Resume Writing Workshop for Retiring/Separating
Air Force Members
When: Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Where: Airman & Family Readiness Center (AFRC) Training Classroom
USAF 927th ARW, MacDill Air Force Base
8126 Hangar Loop Dr., Tampa FL 33621
Speaker: Lance T. Walker, nationally known author and career coach
Who should attend: Retiring and separating USAF members who are within 12 months of returning to civilian life, and their spouses.
Details: Click here
The "Fight Back" Symposium
Come with a Dream, Go Home with a Business
When: Sunday and Monday, March 20-21, 2011
Where: Tampa Convention Center
333 S Franklin St.,
Tampa, FL 33602
Lance T. Walker, author and career coach
A. Kent Guthrie, author and business consultant
Linda Mobley, author and college student advisor
Dr. David Dyer, author and certified cancer coach
Who should attend: Anyone interested in creating a real business of their own,
improving the business they have, or networking and building continuing relationships
with others of like mind.
Map & Directions: Click here
Details: TBA
"Finding a Job, When There Are No Jobs"
Seminar - 21st Century Tactics for Securing Employment in Tough Times
When: TBA
Where: TBA
Speaker: Lance T. Walker, nationally known author and career coach
Who should attend: Success-minded students and their parents, separating military members, displaced workers, and career changers.
"Why the Rabbit Sleeps":
Seminar - Achieving the Real American Dream in Today's Economy
When: TBA
Where: TBA
Speaker: Lance T. Walker, nationally known author and career coach
Who should attend: Success-minded students and their parents, separating military members, displaced workers, and career changers.
